Bali Retreat Terms and Conditions


1. Terms of service: Rachel Lovitt (Mindful Movement and Living) has listed what is included on the retreat sales page. Airfare, tips, travel insurance, spa treatments, and alcohol are not included.

  1. Reservation: To reserve your place on the retreat you must meet with Rachel via Zoom for a 20 min retreat chat and pay either the $500 non-refundable deposit or pay in full. Your spot is only reserved with a deposit. Please make sure you purchase travel cancellation insurance (including Covid-19 provisions) in the event you need to cancel. 

  2. Payment: All prices are per/person USD.  At the time of making your reservation you can choose to pay in full or pay via a payment plan. All payments must be complete by February 1, 2025. Your $500 deposit goes towards your total payment.
  • If choosing the payment plan option:
    • 50% of your total payment is due December 1, 2024.
    • The remainder of your payment is due by February 1, 2025.
  • Payment can be made through the payment link or via Venmo (@rachel-lovitt). 

  1. Cancellations Policy & Deposits:  By having a retreat chat with Rachel Lovitt and paying the deposit you are agreeing to the cancellation policies as detailed on this website. Please read carefully!​
  • All payments to our vendors are non-refundable, so we cannot offer refunds. Please make sure you can get the time off work etc., before booking your trip and have trip cancellation insurance.
  • ​COVID-19 Policy: travel insurance, including medical, and cancellation with Covid-19 coverage is mandatory to participate on this retreat. We are not responsible for restrictions in your own country that stop you from traveling. If the retreat is cancelled due to a shut down of Bali and we are unable to enter, payments made will be credited towards another retreat within the next 24 months.
  • Important: If you do not submit full payment 60 days before the retreat, and do not respond to our communication, we reserve the right to keep all payments received. Travel insurance to protect the costs of your trip in the case of injury, illness or inability to attend for other reasons is mandatory.



There is a minimum number of guest required to run each retreat. Please do not book any flights or travel related items until we confirm the retreat will happen. Confirmation will be sent 6 months prior to the start date of the retreat (October 16, 2025).


5. Travel Insurance: We require each trip member to purchase individual travel insurance. We suggest that you include “cancel for any reason” with your policy. You must purchase travel insurance that includes medical coverage, with specific Covid-19 medical coverage and cancellation and curtailment provision which is now available from many reputable providers. We recommend purchase insurance within 1-2 weeks after making your first trip payment (ie. flight or retreat reservation) to secure the best price and best coverage.

6. Travel Documents and Immunizations: It is the responsibility of each traveler to obtain all required travel documents including visa and other travel documents unless otherwise noted. Travel visa can be obtained online ahead of time, or on arrival. It is your responsibility to purchase correct immunizations, COVID-19 Vaccines, PCR Test or other related requirements to travel to and from your place of origin. Please contact your nearest travel clinic for the latest requirements.


7.  Acknowledgment of Risks – Assumption of Responsibility:
Although Rachel Lovitt (Mindful Movement and Living) has taken reasonable steps to ensure safety, we acknowledge that retreats activities have risks, including certain risks which cannot be eliminated; including accidental injury, illness or in extreme cases, permanent trauma, disability or death and also can cause damage to or loss of property. The following describes some, but not all, of those risks.

Activities may include but are not limited to: hiking, backpacking and climbing in a wide variety of environments including on rock, or wet surfaces, bicycling and scootering on trails and roads with a wide range of surface conditions and traffic volume; swimming.

Our retreats can involve travel to remote places, oftentimes many hours from medical facilities. Transportation, evacuations and medical care can be significantly delayed; communication can be delayed, limited or not available.

Environmental risks and hazards include rapidly moving, deep or cold water; insects, animals; falling and rolling rock; lightning, flash floods and unpredictable forces of nature, including extreme weather. Possible injuries and illnesses include sunburn, heatstroke, dehydration and other mild or serious conditions.

Throughout the trip, participants are responsible for their own safety.

I (the trip participant) acknowledge and understand that Rachel Lovitt’s Mindful Movement and Living Bali Retreat includes risks of injury or death to participants. I understand the description above of these risks is not complete and that other unknown or unanticipated risks may result in property loss, injury or death. I agree to assume responsibility for the inherent risks identified herein and those inherent risks not specifically identified. I acknowledge that participation in this activity is purely voluntary, no one is forcing participation and participation is elected with full knowledge of the inherent risks.

I (the trip participant) assume and accept full responsibility for any injury, death, loss of personal property, and expenses suffered as a result of those inherent risks and dangers identified above, and those inherent risks and dangers not specifically identified and as a result of my negligence in participating in this activity.


8. Release and Waiver of Liability:

DECLARATION OF HEALTH. By accepting these Terms and Conditions I (the trip participant) represent that I have no physical conditions or medical precautions which would adversely affect my ability to take part in the activities offered on Rachel Lovitt’s Mindful Movement and Living Bali Retreat. I fully understand that my participation in the activities could be injurious to my health and I voluntarily assume all risks related to such activities.

PERSONAL RELEASE. By agreeing to the terms outlined here and elsewhere on the Mindful Movement and Living website I hereby release and discharge my rights and claims for damages or liabilities that may occur as a result of participation on Rachel Lovitt’s Mindful Movement and Living Bali retreat including but not limited to damages as a result of unexpected occurrences including those from weather, local political situations, wildlife or uncontrollable acts of God, including the risk of death. I release Rachel Lovitt and Mindful Movement and Living including its owners, directors, employees, guides, and partners from liability for personal injury, illness, emotional damage, incurred travel expenses or property damage I may incur as a result of participation on this trip.


I am 18 years of age or older. I understand that I am participating in Mindful Movement and Living’s virtual or in person Movement and Wellness Coaching, in the form of a group workshop or one-on-one coaching session, offered by Rachel Lovitt. During which, I will receive information and instruction about movement and health. I understand that any advice given about movement and health is not medical advice. I understand that the movement practices including, but not limited to, strength training, yoga, mobility training, and flexibility training, involve physical exertion that may be strenuous and may cause injury, and I am fully aware of the hazards involved. I understand that the healing practices including meditation and Reiki are not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological care. I understand that by participating in virtual sessions, the ability to which Rachel Lovitt can assure I am doing movements properly is limited. I also understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in Movement and Wellness Coaching. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and have no medical or psychological condition that would prevent my full participation. I agree to assume the full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, that I may incur as a result of participating in Movement and Wellness Coaching sessions. I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against Rachel Lovitt for injury or damages that I may sustain as  a result of participating in the coaching sessions. I, my heirs and legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Rachel Lovitt for any injury or death caused by her negligence or other acts. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to inform Rachel Lovitt, before a coaching session or workshop, of any injury or other condition that might affect my ability to participate. 

PHOTOGRAPHY: This Bali retreat will be professionally photographed and videographer. By participating in this retreat, you consent to this and give Rachel Lovitt permission to use these photos and videos for promotional materials including, but not limited to, Instagram posts, Tik Tok posts, and website pages.


If you have questions please reach out to me via email. [email protected]